HealthDay News,
14:00 PM

Mental Health in 20s vs 80s

Older or Younger Adults; Which Are Happier with Life?


Video Transcript: 

Millennials may be the “it” generation right now, but a new study shows the Baby Boomers may be a happier bunch overall.

Researchers examined the physical, mental and cognitive health of more than 1,500 adults… 21 to 99 years old. With each passing decade, participants reported they felt better about themselves. The oldest group had mental health scores that were significantly better than the youngest group…. even though their physical and cognitive function were poorer. More young adults in their 20s and 30s reported high levels of stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety.

According to the senior author, "This 'fountain of youth' period is associated with far worse levels of psychological well-being than any other period of adulthood." He says, "Inadequate attention has been paid to mental health issues that continue or get exacerbated post-adolescence."

I’m Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV… with the news doctors are reading – health news that matters to you.