Columbus, OH,
14:00 PM

ABC6: Bereavement Services

Dealing With Loss Can Be Tough; Help Is Available

When you lose someone you love there is a long road through the grieving process. One of the most important things to help through that journey can be leaning on those closest to you. Often times that will not come from friends and family, but from a social worker, or bereavement counselor.

At OhioHealth Hospice, bereavement counselors work with family members up to 13 months following the loss of a loved one.

Brent Simonds is a counselor at OhioHealth Kobacker House.

“There is a big stigma that is attached to seeking counseling of any kind. I think that is what makes bereavement different,” said Simonds to ABC6. “Unfortunately one of our parts of society is death, and it is an uncomfortable thing to talk about.”

Marie Trudeau lost her partner after a battle with cancer.

“I thought for awhile though that losing him was tearing my heart out. But watching him in pain was tearing my guts out," Trudeau told ABC6.

After he passed, Marie turned to the experts to help her find something that worked for her to deal with the grief. Experts say each person is different and deals with different stages at different times. What Simonds says is important; not ignoring the feelings.

“Telling your story is one of the most important things you can do,” said Simonds.  “It’s important to deal with grief. It comes out in some other way. It might be the inability to function at work. Inability to function with others.”

Marie found her strength through projects she would do with Brent. Scrapbooks, art therapy, and plenty of sessions where she would talk, think, and listen, have helped.

“Just reach out and ask for help and take care of yourself, be gentle with yourself,” said Trudeau.

“Grief is a thief. It took my concentration. My memory. My energy,” Trudeau added.

To see the story from ABC6, click here. And to learn more about bereavement services at OhioHealth click here.