Columbus, OH,
16:14 PM

NBC4: COVID-19 Myths and the Media

Getting the facts straight about COVID-19 is as important as ever, and Joe Gastaldo, MD, OhioHealth system medical director, infectious diseases, clears up some of the confusion surrounding the virus in a recent interview with NBC4.

Since COVID-19 has worked its way through China, doctors have had better chances at predicting how it will impact the U.S. While everyone is still susceptible to contracting the disease, the people at most risk are the elderly.

“The people at higher risk begin at the age of 60, 70, 80,” Dr. Gastaldo told NBC4 anchor Brad Johansen in a March 11 interview. “If you get the virus, you are going to be more sick, especially if you have the following conditions: heart condition, lung condition and diabetes.”

Dr. Gastaldo also highlights that the virus is not a fake narrative.

“It is not media created,” he said. “In my opinion, the media’s job is to serve its customers, that being the public. What the media needs to do is help promote safety, help promote statements that come from the CDC, Ohio Department of Health, and Columbus Public Health.”

You can view the story by clicking on the NBC4 logo below.