Columbus, OH,
19:30 PM

NBC4: It May Be Time to Rethink Holiday Plans

NBC4 - COVID and Holidays

On Wednesday, October 21, Ohio reported 2,366 new cases of COVID-19, a new record high for the state. The number of patients needing to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 is also on the rise.

With a number of factors in play - espcially colder weather leading to indoor gatherings, holidays and getting together to watch football games - healthcare leaders in Ohio say that now is not the time to let our guards down and get complacent.

One important thing to keep in mind, according to Jospeh Gastaldo, MD, OhioHealth system medical director of infectious diseases, is that even though someone at your gathering might seem healthy, they could still have - and unknowingly be spreading - COVID-19.

"There can be a significant amount of people who are asympotomatic with COVID-19," Dr. Gastaldo told NBC4 reporter Danielle Grossman.

There can be a false sense of security getting together with family and friends, leading to the assumption that if they don't seem sick, it's safe to be gatering together.

Dr. Gastaldo says to mitigate COVID-19 and reduce the spread, we need to be doing three things simulatenously:

  • Wear a mask

  • Wash your hands

  • Social distancing