Columbus, OH,
14:00 PM

ABC6: Teen Suicide

Doctors Say There Can Be Warning Signs

There are too many stories, too many families in shock, too many teen suicides.

There is some good news with the battle, there are so many resources, so many groups doing what they can to get those numbers down. The problem, the numbers are not going down.

National statistics say suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens. Boys are four times more likely to commit suicide, but girls think of it more.

There are some warning signs that parents need to be paying attention to.

"Early warning signs can be social withdrawal, withdrawing from family and friends, activities your child would normally enjoy,” said Dr. Megan Schabbing, OhioHealth psychiatrist to ABC6.  “Difficulty with sleep or appetite, that can be not eating not sleeping or sleeping too much. Kids who express feelings of guilt. That’s a big warning, saying comments like ‘I'm a bad person’, ‘I'm a bad kid’, guilt beyond that would be appropriate for that situation would be a big red flag," she told ABC6's Tara Morgan.

  • If you or someone you know needs help, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). It is free and confidential. You will be connected to a skilled, trained counselor in your area.
  • You can also reach out to someone through the Crisis Text Line.
  • Locally, HelpLine of Delaware and Morrow Counties, Inc. provides a local 24/7 hotline to help those struggling with thoughts of suicide or support to survivors of suicide. You can go to their website or call 1-800-684-2324 for free confidential help.
  • There is also Franklin County Loss, a local outreach to suicide survivors

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