Marion, OH,
22:17 PM

OhioHealth Associate's Daughter Featured on National News

In September of 2016, MPACT (Marion Police And Community Together) came to OhioHealth in Marion with a request to help with their community campaign. Their goal was to positively influence the community (particularly children) through community events where kids of Marion could interact with Marion Police officers in a positive way. OhioHealth committed to help by sponsoring T-shirts with our logo on the back and the MPACT logo on the front.

Fast-forward to February of 2017 when OhioHealth more than gets their money’s worth as one of the T-shirts was presented to a 10-year old Marion girl (her mother happens to be Molly Draper, who works in Nutritional Services at OhioHealth Marion General Hospital) on several national news sources including Inside Edition, the BBC, NBC Nightly News, and local TV. The news was also shared broadly on social media outlets.